Wednesday, December 23, 2020

We dare you to create a smile : December Mood board

 Hello everyone

Can't believe that Christmas is approaching with such big steps , one more day till Christmas eve and while this year was a hard one , we hope that you use this time to surrender yourself with joy and cherish every moment .

For our challenge today we have a gorgeous mood board to inspire you to finish your Christmas projects , and why not to take a break from all holidays madness :) 

Also don't forget that by playing along with our challenge you get the chance to win a 25€ gift card to Create a smile store and the chance to be guest designer for our next challenge 

Our guest designers created such fabulous cards to inspire you to play along , so let's check them out 

Lena made this gorgeous card using Durcheinander stamp set , Oh, Tannenbaum stamp set , ( Oh, du fröhliche stamp set from Adventkalendar)

Anke made this adorable card using Cardinal stamp set,  Cones stamp set both from Adventkalendar

Now is our challenge design team turn to show you all the different cards they made to inspire you to play along with our challenge

Alexandra made this card using Be jolly stamp set  , Unpack me stamp set Small Christmas Sentiments stamp set Cool cuts Christmas Tree  , Cool cuts Kathi Snowflake  , Cool cuts Useful Banners

Anja made this beautiful card using  Cool cuts Scalloped RectanglesCool cuts Double Stitched Rectangles  , Santa stamp set from Adventkalendar , Kleine Weihnachtsgrüße stamp setStencil Pretty Presents

Debby made this gorgeous card using Mouse au chocolat stamp set

Ella made this fantastic card using  Made of snow stamp set

Fabiola made this elegant, christmassy card using our Festive foliage stamp set.

Linda made this wonderful card using A friendly turn stamp set  

Martina made this adorable card using  More than naps stamp setCool cuts Christmas Tree

Melissa made this beautiful card using Delicate Decorations stamp set

 Please make sure to check the challenge rules below before you enter you card!

Thank you for stopping by today ! Until next time happy Holidays !

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