Wednesday, February 23, 2022

We dare you to create a smile : February mood board

Hello everyone and welcome back to our brand new challenge with this beautiful and kind of cozy mood board.

If you want to play along (this challenge is open until 07.03.2022) you will get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift card for the Create a smile shop .

Our two guest designers made adorable cards for the current mood board, I´m sure you´re just as curious as I am.

Marieke made this stunning Light up the dark card with not only a warm shine of light, but also a real light effect, when you push the lower right corner.

And lelofadenfisch created this harmonic spring rain card by using so many different sets: Sei kein FroschMushroomsJunger HüpferMöwen-GangNur mal Hallo sagenHome sweet homeScalloped rectangles and Weather. Isn´t it awesome how well they fit together?

Thank you both for your gorgeous work. If you don´t already know them, please be sure to check out their profiles and leave them some love...

And now let´s have a closer look what the designteam came up with...

Alma made this adorable coffee (or maybe tea?) drinking bunny card using the both brand new sets Hängen and Freude und JubelGemütlichMehr als Nickerchen and Mix and match patterns. Doesn´t it look like a real living room?

Femke made this exquisite turquoise, taupe and white flower card using ClematisVery cherry and Scalloped rectangles. Those colors go together wonderfully, don´t you think?

Franzi takes us with her super cute card using Backe, backe KuchenEndlich SchulkindMaus au chocolatGeheime Zutat and Scalloped rectangles secretly into mouse-family´s kitchen and isn´t it wonderful how they work together?

Irina made this gorgeous caribbean cocktail card using Here´s to usSplotch stencil and Double stitched rectangles, which creates a totally relaxed holiday feeling, right?

And because of great minds often think alike Kathrin made a marvelous summer drink card too, but in a totally different, but likewise oh so gorgeous way, using Auf unsEin ziemlicher KnallerMaus au chocolatStempelsüchtigSlices stencil and Doppeltes halloStitched square frames and the brand new Postage rectangles dies.

Laura made this beautiful winter pullover card using SweaterFrom my nest and Stitched rectangle frames to send cozy winter wishes to all of us.

Martina made this gorgeous, at first glance clean and simple looking tortoise card using Abschalten and Scalloped rectangles. But this crossed colors make such a brilliant background, don´t you think?

Mina made such a delicious coffee and pastries card using Coffee collectionA little treatLeafy stencil and Stacked pierced banners that you immediately want to sit down at this place, right?

Nina made this comfortable sloth-home card using Mehr als NickerchenHängenSpitzenmäßigVoll verpeilt, Books, Wichtelpost and Stitched rectangle frames ... no wonder he´s always late on all obligations. 

Again I´m totally excited about all this creative inspiration... maybe you too? 
If you now want to participate you have time until 07.03.2022 but please make sure to follow the challenge rules below.

Have an awesome day everybody and don´t forget to get crafty whenever you´re able to...


Winner from February sketch challenge

Hello everybody!

Time to announce our winners - and to thank everyone who participate in the February sketch challenge...

Just in case you didn´t already know :
By playing along our challenges you´ll get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift certificate for the Create a smile Shop and be guest designer for the upcoming challenge (if you want to).

This time the winner of the 25,-€ gift certificate is ... drummroll and congrats to : luckypapercat with her frisky celebrating carnival friends ... using the brand new released dEGGorations set, as well as Dress me up, Little lemur and Echt kölsch.

Please send me an email to to claim your prize - it´s so well deserved. 

And our featured artist of the February sketch challenge is Kerstin with her gorgeous baby welcoming card using PeekingNur mal hallo sagenLemon alphasWeather and Focal point stencil.

Again : congrats you both!
You can take the badge and display it on your blogs, if you want to...

And we would love to invite you both to be guest designers for our next challenge - please send an email to and I will tell you all the details.

Be sure to check out our blog regularly... the inspiration over here never stops ... and you won´t miss the new challenges of course!

Have a great day ... and 
get crafty whenever you get the chance to...


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Stretch your Stencils

Hello crafty friends, it's Kerstin here!

it's release week and today I'm going to show you what else you can do with the new windows stencil. Hope you like it!




I love to create backgrounds by using stencils! The new release comes with two new stencil wich I like a lot. I used both on my card.



You can see a huge bowl filled with easter eggs. For the bowl I used this part of the window stencil.

Masking the bowl you cann fill it with easter eggs in different colors and with different pattern. -To fill the white space I splattered some color and adhered the easter bunny in front of the bowl.


Stencil Windows (coming Feb. 18th)
Stencil Easter Eggs (coming Feb. 18th)


We love to see your creations. Please use the hashtag #createasmilestamps when you're sharing your projects on instagram.

Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting,

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

We dare you to create a smile : February Sketch

Welcome to another round of our wonderful Create a smile challenge - today with a new simply looking but totally effective sketch. 

If you want to play along (this challenge is open until 21.02.2022) you will get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift card for the Create a smile shop .

Our two guest designers made so beautiful cards for the new sketch, do you wanna have a closer look?

diibisi made this wonderful gulls on the beach "post"-card using Möwen-GangAus der Ferne and Din lang postage.

And libarauch made this lovingly valentine-themed snail-mail using Happy mail.

Thank you both for your beautiful work - please be sure to check out their profiles and leave them some love...

But as always the designteam came up with stunning ideas too...
And if you will have a closer look you will notice that creative heads often have similar ideas in mind ;-) so three of us used nearly the same sets but made totally different, but oh so awesome cards out of it!

Alma made this brilliant and cheerful succulent "hug me" card using Spitzenmäßig and Mouse au chocolat.

Femke made this so very soft and neat cherryblossom card using Very cherry and Birthday triple.

Franzi made this literally magical card (have you noticed the wonderful heartwarming allusion?) using Unglaublich, "Weise" (an 2021 adventcalendars set), Tiny letteringsLemon alphasPostage edge circlesStars, as well as Wave of stars and Cloud pattern stencil.

Irina made this very airy and light springflower card using Very cherryMini birthday and Double stitched rectangles.

Kathrin made this beautiful picturesque no-line colored snowdrops card using Endlich FrühlingHeute wird gutStitched square framesUseful banners and Cloud pattern stencil.

Laura made this gorgeous colorful penguin card using Kuschelige FeiertageStitched rectangle frames and Wave of stars stencil.

Martina made this marvelous cherry scented summer card using KirschzeitEndlich FrühlingCloud pattern stencil and Lemon alphas.

Mina made this enchanting kind of a fairytale card using SuperpowersSantas little helpers, "You can do magic" (an 2021 adventcalendars set), Twinkle stencil and Stars.

Nina made this "sweet" sommer fruit card using Sommer im GlasYour favorite icecreamKleine Sprüche and Medium stripes stencil.

I really can´t say it often enough... the creativity over here never stops and I love the ideas the designteam always comes up with...

If you now want to participate yourself you have time until 21.02.2022 but please make sure to follow the challenge rules below.

Have an awesome day everybody and don´t forget to get crafty whenever you´re able to...


Winner from January mood board challenge

Hello everybody!

Time to announce our winners - and to thank everyone who participate in the January mood board challenge...

Just in case you didn´t already know :
By playing along our challenges you´ll get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift certificate for the Create a smile Shop and be guest designer for the upcoming challenge (if you want to).

This time the winner of the 25,-€ gift certificate is ... drummroll and congrats to : Marieke with her lovely cheerful Happy birthday-card using Very special mail.

Please send me an email to to claim your prize - it´s so well deserved. 

And our featured artist of the January moodboard challenge is lelofadenfisch with her beautiful (from the light gray outstanding) red spring flower card using Magnolia and Beste.

Again : congrats you both!
You can take the badge and display it on your blogs, if you want to...

And we would love to invite you both to be guest designers for our next challenge - please send an email to and I will tell you all the details.

Be sure to check out our blog regularly... the inspiration over here never stops ... and you won´t miss the new challenges of course!

Have a great day ... and 
get crafty whenever you get the chance to...


Monday, February 7, 2022

MHHH yum....!!

 Hey friends!!

It's Ashlee here today. I've got some new inspiration for you using the Summer in a jar stamp set and super fun Citrus stencil....

I wanted to create a card that would be perfect to give to someone along with some homemade jam or other homemade treat.

- Start with a white card base and using the Citrus stencil place it over the cardstock.
- Use some orange coloured inks and blend with the two steps of the stencil to create oranges spread out over the card base.
- Use a black ink mixed with a little water to add splatters over the base.
- Stamp, colour and fussy cut a bunch of the images from the Summer in a jar stamp set.
- Adhere all the images to the card base. Use foam tape for some to add dimension.
- Finish the card off with a sentiment (also from there Summer in a jar set).

Use some memo or masking tape to hold your stencil in place so that you don't get any shifting, you will find you get a much sharper image if it is held in place well. 

Have fun with your crafting supplies and be sure to come on over to the Create a Smile group on Facebook and share with us your creations, we would all love to see them - Create a smile friends and family

Hugs Ashlee.