Wednesday, October 13, 2021

We dare you to create a smile : October sketch

Hello eyerbody,
today is start of a new challenge (open until 25.10.2021) and we have another, this time a bit different sketch for you!

 If you want to play along you will get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift card for the Create a smile shop .

Fitting the current mood board our two guest designers made adorable cards, let´s have a closer look.
Without any prior agreement they took both a beach / maritime scene but their cards went totally different and thats why we all love our hobby, right?

Our last time winner Stephanie made this cute little maritime scene using Ahoi and the new Weather cool cuts. Aren´t those waves adorable?

Sandra made this fantastic beach-scene-gull card, using Möwen-Gang, and look how beautiful the sunshine, waves and beach split up the card to fit the sketch...

Thank you both for your gorgeous work - please be sure to check out their profiles and leave them some love...

But now lets move on to all the gorgeous ideas the designteam came up with... 

Candice made this wonderful and bright springtime chicken card using Crazy chickScene builder and clouds stencil.

Jeanne went a little bit further with the sketch and made this stunning open-up christmas card using NanuSchreib mal wiederOh Du fröhlicheSantaPostage edge circlesStitched circle frames and Snow dance stencil.

Joke made this creepy spooky Halloween-shakercard using UnfrogettableClear lettersMushrooms and Stitched circle frames.
And even if I´m not sure if we should be afraid of this vampire frog, I´m totally in love with those mushroom-eyes!

Kerstin made this enchanting and oh so clever christmas-countdown card, using PeekingHurra, es weihnachtetSchöne BescherungGeometricsLemon numbers and the new Weather cool cuts to create those tiny little internally snowflakes. 

Maaike made this marvelous autumn-card with an interactive (!) kite-flying squirrel using Mushrooms and sweater weather.

Nina made this lovely northpole-decorating card using UnglaublichHurra, es weihnachtetAhoiZum Feste das BesteTwinkle stencil, Din lang borders and the snowdrift-die out of an older winter-kit.

Tinne made this beautiful and so relaxing snowy winterscene card using Easy breezyFavorite cookie and Stitched circle frames.

Vicki made this awesome post bear card with a little touch of spring (or maybe valentine) using Bear mailleafy and twinkle stencil.

Wow! Such gorgeous inspiration for this sketch... all of them totally different but oh so stunning, don´t you think?
If you now want to participate you have time until 25.10.2021 but please make sure to follow the challenge rules below.

Have an awesome day everybody ... and get crafty whenever you´re able to...

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