Wednesday, December 28, 2022

We dare you to create a smile : December moodboard

A warm welcome to our very last challenge in the year 2022! Wow, time has flown by so quick, don´t you think?!

And to end the year creative we have a beautiful moodboard with some late christmas / new year vibes ... but see for yourself.

If you want to play along (this challenge is open until 09.01.2023) you will get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift card for the Create A Smile shop.

And of course we have again two wonderful guest designers for our last challenge in 2022.

Biggi made such a gorgeous nutcracker card using Festive foliageZum Feste das Beste, the brand new adventcalendar 2022 set "Knacker"(which will be released sometime in 2023) and Double pierced ovals.

Ute made this adorable christmas tag using Heartwarming Ho-ho-holidaysHocus pocusDeercorating and the brand new adventcalendar 2022 sets "Knacker" und "Sparschwein" (which will be released sometime in 2023).

Thank you both for your wonderful work!
Just in case you haven´t already... please be sure to check out their profiles and leave them some love...

But now let´s have a closer look at all the stunning work the designteam did again.
This time you can see how it looks like, when great minds think alike without prior agreement ;-)

Alma made this marvelous kind of glowing festive New Year´s Eve card using Festive foliage, the 2022 adventkalender set "Korken" (which will be released sometime in 2023), Wonky stars and DIN lang borders.

Femke made this classy, elegant christmas ornaments card using Festive foliageOrnaments and Christmas *3.

Franzi made this cheerful and super cute good-luck card using Von deinem geheimen WichtelSnowglobeAlle Mann an BordSuperkräfteIch wünsch dir Glück, the retired set "Viel Glück", the brand new adventcalendar 2022 set "Sparschwein" (which will be released sometime in 2023) and Rounded corners.

Irina made this festive clean and simple christmas ornament card using Winter MinisCool buddiesFocal point and Double stitched DIN lang.

Kathrin made this marvelous "best wishes for 2023" card using Hex hex, Alle Mann an Bord!PotzblitzWunschkonzertStitched rectangle framesFocalHeartsBookmark and Lemon numbers.

Laura made this cheerful view-into-the-depths-of-the-christmas-tree card using Be jolly.

Martina made this vibrant golden "good vibes for 2023" card using Gute VibesTiny Letterings Focal point.

Nina made this cute "welcoming a lucky 2023" card using "Sparschwein" and "Korken" from the adventcalendar 2022 (which will be released sometime in 2023), Cherry numbersHeartsBigger hearts and Rounded corners.

Did I promised too much? Totally different creative styles of wonderful new inspirations for you...
And if you now want to participate yourself, you'll have time until 09.01.2023 - but please make sure to follow the challenge rules below.

It was such a gorgeous, colorful and creative year and we all enjoyed our time together... but sadfully we have to say goodby to two of our awesome talented challenge designteam members - Alma and Femke we wish you only the very best and will miss you, but I´m sure we all will meet in social media again! <3

Enjoy the last days of 2022 everyone and slip over well into a happy, healthy, hopefully crafty and all around wonderful new year 2023 - hope we will see us again here on the blog.


Winner of December sketch

Welcome back after the christmasdays everybody!

It´s time to announce our winners - and to thank everyone who participate in the December sketch challenge...

Just in case you didn´t already know :
By playing along our challenges you´ll get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift certificate for the Create A Smile Shop and be guest designer for the upcoming challenge (if you want to).

This time the winner of the 25,-€ gift certificate is ... drummroll and congrats to : Marieke with her phenomenal airmail card (with glowing spotlight) using Express delivery.

Please send me an email to to claim your prize - it´s so well deserved!

And our featured artist of the december sketch challenge is Daniëlle with her wonderful framed collection of bookworms using "Lesefreunde" - an adventcalender 2022 stamp set which will be released sometime in 2023. 

Again : congrats you both!
You can take the badge and display it on your social media, if you want to...

And we would love to invite you both to be guest designers for our next challenge - please send an email to and I will tell you all the details.

Be sure to check out our blog in half an hour again - so you won´t miss the new challenge - it will be the last one in 2022! :)
See you later...


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

We dare you to create a smile : December sketch

Welcome back everyone to our brand new Create A Smile challenge.
Todays sketch seems to be kind of Christmassy but its very versatile as you will see...

If you want to play along (this challenge is open until 26.12.2022) you will get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift card for the Create a smile shop .

Fitting the current mood board our guest designer Liba made such a "sweet" and wonderful scrumptious gingerbreadhouse card using Favorite cookie.

Thank you for your gorgeous work Liba!
Please be sure to check out her profile and leave her some love, just in case you haven´t already...

And next let´s move on to the wonderful designteam inspiration. 

Alma made this magically glowing snowdrop card using Endlich FrühlingChristmas is comingKathi snowflake and Postage rectangles.

Femke made this cozy winter birds decorating their home card using From my nest.

Franzi made this genius "last minute christmas mood" tealight box using WeihnachtsmöwenMöwen-GangKleine WeihnachtsgrüßeKlein & fein, Wave of starsRounded corners and Kathi snowflake.

Irina made this clean and simple but totally fluffy christmas cat card using Furry and brightCool buddies and Focal point.

Kathrin made this elegant decorated frosted christmas window card using Fröhliche Weihnacht überallPeeking, Delicate decorationsMagical christmastime (the German set "Zauberhafte Weihnachtszeit" already retired), Stitched rectangle framesStitched square frames and Window pocket.

Laura made this cheerful "rabbit pulled out of the hat" card using SuperpowersWave of starsStitched square frames and Useful banners.

Martina made this fantastic santa and rudolph proof photo card using BeweisfotoBitte lächelnUnglaublichExpresslieferung and Wave of stars.

Nina made this snow-glittery shaker-card using DurcheinanderCool buddiesSnowflake whispersLocker flockigKathi snowflake and Useful banners.

Again the designteam made such wonderful different inspirational cards and projects for you...
So if you now want to participate yourself, you'll have time until 26.12.2022 but please make sure to follow the challenge rules below.

Have an awesome day everybody and don´t forget to get crafty whenever you´re able to...


Winner of (2nd) November moodboard challenge

Hello everybody!

Time to announce our winners - and to thank everyone who participate in the November moodboard challenge...

Just in case you didn´t already know :
By playing along our challenges you´ll get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift certificate for the Create a smile Shop and be guest designer for the upcoming challenge (if you want to).

This time the winner of the 25,-€ gift certificate is ... drummroll and congrats to :  Biggi with her gorgeous cardinal enjoying a hot chocolate card using CardinalZum Feste das BesteMaus au chocolatFestive FoliageBig stars polka and Rounded corners.

Please send me an email to to claim your prize - it´s so well deserved. 

And our featured artist of the november moodboard challenge is Ute with her awesome (caroling?) guard of honour mole parade using Licht ins DunkelHeartwarming Ho-Ho-HolidaysHome sweet home and Hurra, es weihnachtet.

Again : congrats you both!
You can take the badge and display it on your social media, if you want to...

And we would love to invite you both to be guest designers for our next challenge - please send an email to and I will tell you all the details.

Be sure to check out our blog in half an hour again - so you won´t miss the new challenge! :)
See you later...


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

We dare you to create a smile : November moodboard (2nd)

Welcome back everyone to our second moodboard challenge this month... and you will see christmas is approaching in giant strides. 

If you want to play along (this challenge is open until 12.12.2022) you will get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift card for the Create a smile shop .

Our two guest designers made adorable cards fitting the current mood board, I´m sure you wanna have a closer look...

Jamie made this heartwarming "sweet" christmas card using Oh du fröhlicheHeartwarming ho-ho-holidaysHut ab! and Bärmail.

And Lia made this wonderful hilarious christmas raven card using Raven about youNo presentsFestive foliageDelicate decorationSweets and treats and Christmas is coming.

Thank you both for your gorgeous work!
And just in case you haven´t already, please be sure to check out their profiles and leave them some love...

What a wonderful start, don´t you think? So - in some kind of of christmas mood - let´s move on the inspirations the designteam made for you...

Alma made this adorable glowing hot chocolate card using Mouse au chocolat and Focal point.

Femke made this super noble (and wonderful creative) christmas star card using Clematis and Christmas *3.

Franzi made this literally vibrant christmas bauble card using Kugeln am BaumFröhliche WeihnachtConesFestive FoliageScallopes rectangles and Wonky stars.

Irina made this festive and classic colored christmas present beauties using Party presentDIN lang borders and Cool buddies.

Kathrin made this magnificant christmas ornament and decoration card using Delicate decorationFestive foliageClematisHeartwarming Ho-Ho-Holidays and Besinnlich.

Laura made this super cute christmas bird card using From my nest.

Martina made this impressive christmas gift collection card using EingepacktGeschenkeOrnamentsStarsWeihnachten *3 and Festliche Feiertage.

Nina made this pretty pastel christmas star card using WeihnachtssternPeekingKleine WeihnachtsgrüßeWeihnachten *3 and Roundes corners.

Pretty christmassy inspirations this time, right?
Maybe you now wanna create some christmas cards too and take part in our challenge ... then you´ll have time until 12.12.2022 - but please make sure to follow the challenge rules below.

Have an awesome day everybody and don´t forget to get crafty whenever you´re able to...


Winner of November sketch challenge

Hello everybody!

Time to announce our winners - and to thank everyone who participate in the November sketch challenge...

Just in case you didn´t already know :
By playing along our challenges you´ll get the chance to win a 25,-€ gift certificate for the Create a smile Shop and be guest designer for the upcoming challenge (if you want to).

This time the winner of the 25,-€ gift certificate is ... drummroll and congrats to : Liba with her sweet and funny peeking christmas friends card using Peeking and Winter Wonderland.

Please send me an email to to claim your prize - it´s so well deserved. 

And our featured artist of the november sketch challenge is Ildi with her cheer- and colorful card using Secret elfCool buddiesSweets & treats and Huge polka dots.

Again : congrats you both!
You can take the badge and display it on your social media, if you want to...

And we would love to invite you both to be guest designers for our next challenge - please send an email to and I will tell you all the details.

Be sure to check out our blog in half an hour again - so you won´t miss the new challenge! :)
See you later...
