
Saturday, November 7, 2020

3 Cards in 30 Minutes (Video)

Hi Sweeties :-)

Some of you may have seen that Christine, the owner of Create a smile, has initiated a new little challenge.. its about making Christmas-Cards in 10 Minutes. So that is why I had the idea to tripple that challenge and tried to make 3 Cards in 30 Minutes...

Christine wanted to help people with not soooo much time for cardmaking, to give them with this challenge an inspiration of quick cards. I think that is a great idea.

Unfortunately this video is only in German, but its realtime, and maybe its nevertheles some fun an inspiration for you.

So, if you like to share your quick cards, please use on Instagram the hashtag: #10minchristmascard

1 comment:

  1. WOW Birka der Hammer, und es ist so erfrischend dir dabei zuzuhören *lol
    Vor allem "GILDET" ich hau mich weg *rofl
    und so bissel die "Berliner-Schnauze" - einfach zum piepen
    vielen Dank für dein gelungenes Video
