
Thursday, October 5, 2017

It's release week! Countdown "...1..." - GIVEAWAY TIME!

Hello everyone!

It's release-countdown week!
That means we're introducing our newest products to you, sharing inspiration and also excitement :)
Countdown 2 means there are 2 more days until the new products will be added to the shop.

And as you know:

our international shipping is 3,70€ only!

We have LOADS on the plate this time!

These are the lovely full size Clear Stamp Sets:

1. Unfrogettable / Sei kein Frosch

 2. Hocus Focus

 3. zum Feste das Beste

And we're releasing two Mini stamp sets:

1) On a roll /  Hauptrolle

 2. Fruit Salad

Last (but not least) there will be 3 brand new cling stamps:

1) Cloudy Day
 2. stars 'n scribbles
 3. Dots
We can see soooo many fun projects showing up all across social media and can't wait to see what YOU create!

Any favorites? Must-haves? Something for your wishlists?

Release is tomorrow:
Friday:         Countdown "0" IGNITION!!!! Sets will be released at 10 am CET (3 am EST)

Once again the DT rocked the stamps for you (yes, that what they do... share their art to inspire you and me ... I just love them! <3 )

Here's the parade:

Anja using On a roll 

Anja using Fruit Salad

Nicole using Fruit Salad

Raluca  using Unfrogettable and Clouds
(due to technical issues "clouds" is displayed slighty larger than the stamped image)

Sam using On a roll

Sam using Fruit Salad and the mouse from Where your heart is

I'm also sharing another card using on a roll - the Armadillo is perfect for ineractive cards (Wobblers, spinner cards,...)

We have some more great news for you:
we are offering a HUGE discount on the following stamp sets from Friday to Sunday - you can get them for 8,90€ each!




Now for the giveaway:

Today is giveaway time, and you get a chance to win a 15 € Gift Card to our store. :)

To take part in the drawing:
Comment on this post, telling us about your favorite thing about spring or any spring stamps you'd like to see (maybe YOUR idea can become a real Create A Smile stamp set!).
Are there flowers you love? Or animals? Something that makes easter special for you?
Whatever it is, let us know :)

You have until Saturday 11:59 pm to play along. The winner will be announced on sunday :)

Good luck and thanks for visiting!



  1. The best thing about spring is that next winter is far away! Spring is my favourite time of the year.

  2. Also ich lieebe Tulpen und Ranunkeln - aber auch Schneeglöckchen (und Kroküsse, aber die gibts ja schon ;)). Tatsächlich ist Frühling gar nicht so mein Ding - was ich aber mag sind die Vögel, die anfangen zu zwitschern Rotkehlchen, Blaumeisen und Spatzen sind supersüß. Eigentlich steht Frühling für mich für Neuanfang und deswegen würd ich ein Set mit Babytieren toll finden - vielleicht auch so ein Mama/Papa und Kindset für den Mutter-/ mit Hasen und Füchsen und Rehen und Spatzen und Bibern und Dachsen und Waschbären und Einhörnern :D O.K. das sind schon mindestens Sets...hey, aber die würd ich alle kaufen.

  3. Schneeglöckchen! So zart aussehend und trotzdem stark!
    Tolle Release!

  4. Easter has to have bunnies!! Preferably chocolate ROFL. Love those armadillos. Need them. Hugz

  5. when I think of spring, small bunnies, hatchlings or springflowers come to my mind. I'd love to see a cute duck stamp set or something with bees and birds. :)

  6. Spring is my favorite season because the weather is not too hot or too cold :D and my birthday is in Spring :) for stamps maybe geometric background stamps?

  7. I am absolutely in love with those frogs!!! So adorable!!!! Spring in the mountains (April and May) usually means some of our biggest snowfalls. Some of our spring storms bring 3 to 5 feet of snow over the course of a couple of days. So...spring makes me think of skiing, snowshoeing over to neighbors' houses, hanging out in the hot tub, making a big pot of soup, etc. But it also makes me think of baby animals since we have lots of young wildlife running around at that time of year too.

  8. Spring is definitely about flowers and sunshine to me!

  9. The best thing about Spring is the comfortable (not hot) weather.
    Another fun release. I have no room for rubber stamps. :( Wishing they were available in clear.

  10. Love that armadillo! Spring... blossoms on trees.

  11. i love spring and the promise of warm weather. these stamps are great! i love the clouds and the mice and the anteaters! i love anything with sealife or cute animals like mice and elephants.

  12. When I think about spring the first things that come to my mind are: blooming flowers(especially almond trees) and also my birthday!I love most flowers and trees...I don't know why but they help me relax and they make my mood.My favorite animals are the squirrels, they are super cute and funny. Easter has always been a big religious holiday where I come from.So I have many memories from my childhood and all.

  13. I like daffodils in the spring and lilacs. I also think of baby animals in the Spring.

  14. All these cards are so precious and so perfectly made !! Very talented team !! About the spring, I like listening to birds singing again, and nature coming back to its long winter's sleep.

  15. Awesome sample cards... I am really lovin' that cute frog!
    My favorite thing about spring would be the daffodils blooming in my yard! Easter egg hunts and pretty Easter baskets like my Mom used to fix for us are other favorite memories of spring!

  16. I love every season. Spring is for me the smell of clear air, warm sunshine which touches the skin, listening to all birds in the early morning. See blossoms and flowers. In my mind squirrels are representing spring (and autumn/winter). I love them, too! But also cute other animals are welcome.

  17. Wow! Adorable release!!! My favorite things about spring are fantastic flower colors and the longer days! I'd like to see a pic nic and a sunset themed stamp sets. Both make me thinking about Spring.
    My fav Sprong flowers are tulips and cherry blossoms.

  18. Tolle neue Stempel und Dies! Im Frühling freue ich mich immer auf die ganzen Tierbabys.Frischlinge, Lämmchen usw. Das hebt gleich die gute Laune!

  19. Ich liebe den Frühling, denn da wird es endlich wieder heller und Blumen machen gleich alles bunter und fröhlicher. Ich mag besonders die kleinen Traubenhyazinten in lila und weiß. Oder die bunten Ranunkeln...okay,zugegeben da ist der Frühling dann schon etwas weiter fortgeschritten....
    Bin jetzt auch endlich im Besitz von Create a smile Stempeln.
    Einfach großartig.
    Sonnige Grüße
