
Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Treasure Full of Wishes

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone is having a good start of the year. But if you're not, don't worry, it's only January ;) And I hope my bright colourful card can make you smile and also, give you some ideas. 

New year = new batch of Birthday cards to be made so here comes my first one. 

I'm using the Treasure Chest die using a watercolour paper so that's it's easier for me to paint. I did this first because it'll make it easier to me to figure out where I want my rainbow to start. 

As you can see from the card, it's a really simple card with loads of details. 

The rainbow was colour is many stages. I like to colour it lightly first, wait for it to dry and add another layer of colour. I find that this gives some depth to the colour. 

Next was those splatters of white dots. It's not a secret, it's just plain white paint :D 

And of course, the star of the show has got to be the sequins. They are my inspiration for this card. I want to make it look like the sequins and rainbow are coming out of the treasure box. 

Treasure Chest - Cool Cuts
Birthday - Cool Cuts

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Thanks for stopping by,