
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Video with Snowflake Box

Hi everybody, Birka here :-)
I'm totally in christmas-card mood, and also I need to craft a lot of stuff for my first christmas-fair in December. And because I don't want to sell only cards, I will do some little boxes. And yes, one of these boxes is ready now. Wohooo

I know, it sounds very mean when I say: Me and the smiling snowflakes, it was not love at the first sight. Maybe BECAUSE of the smiling. But than I decided to take my exacter-knife and cut out all the smiles. It was hard, but now I have TWO good things: I now have the world prettiest snowflakes, and I have 4 smiling faces I can use on EVERY stamp I want to. This comforting away all the cutting-pain ;-)

Of course I asked Christine before I cut out the smiles AND take a video with it. But to my relief she really had no problem with this and enjoyed my creative way to make these stamps to my new friends.

Make sure, that you first color your image and than fuzzy-cut ist. So you have a better chance to handle it without to grab into the color.

What is better than a little christmas-box? A little christmas-box WITH a suitable card :-)
This card you woun't find in the video, but I did it the same way.

Watch the Video in englisch

Oder Ihr schaut das Video auf Deutsch :-)

There are only a view days left till the "snow dance"-winter/christmas-Kit is in the shop. Join the Facebook release-party, there you'll get a lot of sneak-peaks and you wont miss anything.


  1. Ui, was für eine tolle Box, Birka! :) Und die Idee auf farbigem Transparentpapier zu embossen finde ich auch super, muss ich mir mal merken. Irgendwie habe ich das noch nie probiert.

  2. Ich konnte mich mit den Smiling Snowflakes auch noch nicht so richtig anfreunden. Aber du hast recht, ohne die Gesichter sehen sie ganz zauberhaft aus! Und die lächelnden Gesichter kann man ja auch auf alles andere stempeln. Eine tolle Idee! :D

  3. Cute little box. I didn't realize you had cut out the center of the snowflake until you mentioned it !! I love the snowflakes with or without the cute faces. :)
